Sunday, March 27, 2011

Walking aside a known stranger

Walking aside a known stranger i got hit by a thunderbolt
Soon I realized that something within me got dislocated with this sudden jolt

I kept searching for what I've lost in this sudden while
and amidst all this on my face i had the baby's smile

I could feel within the strong emotional gush
and excitement level was increasing with this Adrenaline Rush

The known stranger's words were falling on my ears
but those melodious words were becoming difficult to bear

What have I lost in this brief time, Oh My Goodness Gracious
Its now only making me restless and anxious

I was still searching within, with a smile hard to remove
I think i know it and my eyes immediately got on the move

I looked in the known stranger's eyes and found what I supposed was mine
It was my heart that I never knew in someone Else's eyes could shine