Monday, November 26, 2012

Emotion that should Die

It is always holding you back
Not allowing to display skills which you don't lack

It is a coward emotion hidden deep inside your heart
Overpower your head and that is it's most fierce art

Living on you like a parasite whose weight you have to bear
We commonly call this self destruction emotion nothing but fear

Stops you from moving forward, giving you cold feet
You have to understand it is your enemy whom you have to defeat

Little courage is all you need to take a small step ahead
Then smile at it and it will find it's own death bed

Thursday, June 7, 2012

How I Wish

How I wish I had a time machine which could take me back to childhood
Doing in a different way a lot of things in which I'm still not good

Discipline and Determination are the attributes which I've realized today make you excel
But their absence has build up lethargy and laid back approach which have strongly gel

How I wish I could have learnt Guitar at a tender age and sing songs
Now I've got one but even playing the basic strings is taking too long

I understand sports today and knows the skill set and nuances of game
Back then even on my first failure I used to look for some reasons to blame

How I wish I had the same decision making power and understanding of life which I possess today
Then people who praise me today for my thinking power would have instead been in my awe on seeing me making hay

I've to work hard today to even accomplish a smaller, useless or irrelevant goal
If I had my actions taken at that time, then everything would have been under control

How I wish I could still have the Discipline and Determination for rest of my life which will be challenging and vast
So that my future doesn't regret on my present as my present regrets on my past